Elderly and Totally Disabled HOMEOWNER Tax Relief


January 2025

Dear Salisbury Homeowner:

Enclosed is an applicationto file for our Elderly and Totally Disabled tax relief program.  This application, when completed and approved, gives you a credit on your July 2025 and 2026 Tax bill. Applications are due to the Assessor’s office by May 15, 2025. Failure to file by that date will result in loss of benefits.

If you are a veteran, you will also find enclosed an application for additional Veteran’s exemption.

Please print responses to the highlighted sections only.

The income limits for this year are:       married: $55,100        single: $45,200

When you submit this application, you are required by law to submit proof of your income for 2024. You must provide a copy of your 2024 federal tax return if you filed one. You must provide a copy of your 2024 Social Security form 1099. You must declare all income including but not limited to: wages, pensions, social security, dividends, rental income, lottery winnings, and sale of property. 

Kayla Johnson, Assessor, CCMA1
[email protected]
JoAnne Dodge, Associate Assessor