Salisbury Pathways Committee

Committee MembersTitleTerm ExpiresEmail
Christian WilliamsChairman11/2026[email protected]
Natalia Smirnova11/2025
Pat Hackett11/2024
Kathryn Trahan11/2026
Gerry Stanton 11/2024

The Salisbury Pathways Committee was formed in July 2014 by the Board of Selectmen with the stated purpose to “investigate walking access within and among the village centers.” The committee has worked with the public and other town committees to define areas of priority in connecting the villages of Lakeville and Salisbury and extending access from the town centers outward along routes 41, 44 and 112.

The Pathways Committee works closely with the Connecticut Connectivity Program (CCP), which was formed in 2016 to encourage walkability and safety in CT towns and cities, and which provides grants to help finance necessary improvements. The Committee applied for and was awarded a $400,000 3-year grant for our first project and most urgent need: the sidewalk from Lincoln City Road to the fire house, Salisbury Central School’s emergency evacuation route. We are working with DOT and the Town of Salisbury to bring this project to fruition.

We encourage everyone in our towns to support our efforts to create a more pedestrian-friendly town. Details of proposed projects as well as information on the grant and our progress can be found in the Salisbury Pathways Committee minutes on the Town of Salisbury website. Happy and safe walking!

Click HERE For Connectivity Sidewalk Grant Preliminary Design Plans


For copies of minutes, that are not posted, please contact the Town Clerk’s Office, 860-435-5182.

July 8, 2024
Recording from 7.8.2024

June 10, 2024
Recording from 6.10.2024

May 13, 2024
Recording from 5.13.2024

April 8, 2024
Recording from 4.8.2024

March 25, 2024
Recording from 3.25.2024

February 12, 2024
Recording from 2.12.2024

February 1, 2024 (Special)
Recording from 2.1.2024

January 10, 2024 (Special)
Recording from 1.10.2024

December 11, 2023
Recording from 12.1.2023

November 13, 2023

September 11, 2023

August 14, 2023

July 10, 2023

May 8, 2023
Recording from 5.8.2023

April 10, 2023
Recording from 4.10.2023

March 13, 2023
Recording from 3.13.2023

February 27, 2023
Recording from 2.27.2023

February 3, 2023
Recording from 2.3.2023

December 12, 2022
Recording from 12.12.2022

November 14, 2022
Recording from 11.14.2022

October 17, 2022
Recording from 10.17.2022

September 12, 2022
Recording from 9.12.2022

June 13, 2022
Recording from 6.13.2022

May 9, 2022
Recording from 5.9.2022

April 11, 2022
Recording from 4.11.2022

February 14, 2022
Recording from 2.14.2022

October 18, 2021
Recording from 10.18.2021

September 13, 2021
Recording of 9.13.2021

June 14, 2021
Recording of 6.14.2021

April 12, 2021
Recording of 4.12.2021

March 8, 2021
Recording of 3.8.2021

January 11, 2021

Below are a complete set of minutes for the following years:

2020 Minutes

2019 Minutes

2018 Minutes

2017 Minutes

2016 Minutes

2015 Minutes

2014 Minutes